GCAS will have well-qualified and experienced academic and general staff, that strive to provide an inclusive teaching and learning environment that upholds ethics, supports diversity and encourages academic excellence.
GCAS will train and groom students to get employed and match advanced skills required to work anywhere in the world. The college will invest on library by bringing the latest addition to the shelf. It facilitates the dissemination of knowledge, information, insights & opinions for the benefit of the staff and student community. It also seeks to enable our students to keep abreast with the latest trends and advances in their chosen field and makes available curriculum based books, reference material, journals, periodicals, trade magazines to on-line databases and other e-learning media.
Are fitted with modern teaching equipment and are equipped with the necessary hardware and software facilities as per course requirements and an individual equipment will be provided to each student to do their practicals. Assessment by faculty, counselling by trained members will be rendered to assist students regarding current performance and future aspirations. Faculty members would assess the performance of the student in the class and labs. Students requiring additional support would be helped with additional sessions.
GCAS will provide quality teaching, learning and training in line with the requirements of the market, so as to prepare industry-ready professionals. To achieve this, the faculty has been chosen for their academic excellence and industry experience so as to ensure right quality of teaching. We are in the process of setting our documents for the processes involved right from the admission to examinations and exit of students. Staff will undergo implementation training programmes from time to time to ensure that they understand the requirements for delivery, assessment and management of the courses. For the purpose of courses in GCAS, Staff members are capable, confident and competent to execute the requirements in the academic and administrative aspects.
GCAS is committed to impart quality education and excellence in academics through consistently keeping up with development in the field of teaching and learning. Thus, appropriate resources, staff, policies, procedures, systems and organization culture and their continuous development and improvement will be our key focus. Appropriate, innovative and dynamic efforts by all would be encouraged and rewarded.
An academic council will be formed in state level by GCAS to ensure the quality of learning and teaching processes. Academic Council will be constituted by experienced teachers in different subject.
GCAS fosters a safe and healthy environment. For this it will be fully equipped with all such safety equipment as required for the workplace. Staff will be trained to act fast and properly in case of emergencies. Safety/fire drills shall be conducted to ensure that all staff knows how to act in exigency situations. First Aid kit is maintained in a predetermined and accessible place in the institutions. The institution maintains a clean and hygienic environment for its staff and students.
Appeals Board will be set up which will be headed by the Chairman & Managing Director with other Officials in top management and Head of the Department along with student representatives and staff. This is to ensure an ongoing and smooth two-way communication to redress grievances, if any.
GCAS intends to maintain the highest standards of education, training, assessment evaluation and certification. For this GCAS have a clearly laid out system for the various process activities in each area of delivery and assessment of the programme and performance of each individual student. Safety measures to ensure that the certificates are genuine and non-fraudulent are brought into practice.
Key duties and responsibilities in authorizing, processing, recording, and reviewing the programme progress will be identified and allocated among competent staff. A system of checks and counter checks will be ensured in each of these activities. Monitoring shall be stringent to ensure just, fair and timely execution of duties by the staff concerned.
Access to resources and records shall be limited to authorized individuals for authorized purposes only. A system of accountability, recording and custody shall be assigned and maintained. Management exercises stringent monitoring to ensure proper auditing and maintenance of resources.
All critical records such as for Attendance, Assignments, and Grading will be maintained by the Head of the Department who is accountable to Principal and the Admn. office.
All staff and students are encouraged to report any events of fraud, abuse, or mismanagement of any kind in any activity to a member of the Disciplinary Action Committee. The committee will investigate and evaluate all such claims and report the findings along with recommendations for appropriate action which may include corrective and/or disciplinary action. Based on the findings and recommendations, management shall take appropriate actions as required.
GCAS would be having a modern Administration system called GEMS (G-TEC Electronic Management System). Student access will be administered and concerned faculty would also have access to the lab through the GEMS. The Head of the Department along with authorized personnel from the management would access to any resources of university for academic and IAB for MFA.